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Our Rooms

Lakelands Creche Lakelands Creche Lakelands Creche Lakelands Creche

Baby Room / Nursery

Age from 3 months to 18 months approx

We are aware at Lakelands Childcare, particularly with babies, how difficult it is to entrust your child to someone else’s care. We want to make this as easy as possible for both you and your baby. Our room is full of stimulating toys, mirrors, rattles, soothing music and much more, together with a calm relaxed atmosphere. With each baby, we go with whatever routine they are used to, e.g. bottle every 3/4/6 hours, sleeps etc. All this and more can be discussed freely with the staff in a relaxed manner on your babies settling in days. This usually takes place over 3 days, for a few hours each day, before your child starts fully with us. This enables you and your child to become familiar with the baby room staff.

Whilst the babies play happily with the large range of toys and activities through the day, others may require a nap. Please see our Sleep Room below.

Each evening you will receive both a verbal and written report on your child’s activities, food, and liquids through the day. If we can be of any assistance, offer advice or answer any questions, please feel free to ask.

Wobbler Room

Age from 1 year to 2 years approx

The transition from babies/wobblers into toddlers can sometimes be an unsettling time for Mums and Dads, as their baby is growing up. Please remember we are here to ensure that the transition takes place gradually and we will keep you up to date on the process. We treat the needs of every child individually and help to encourage their development through many fun activities throughout the day. This room is bright with lots of space for wobbling around!


Age from 2 years to 3 years approx

When your child out grows the Wobbler Room and is a fully fledged toddler our Playschool Room is the cool place to be! Normally around two ½ years of age is when a child is ready for more action, fun and play. Your child will enjoy a little more structure to their day which will prepare them for preschool the following year. Be warned - make plenty of space on your fridge door for all the lovely paintings, drawings and collages that will be coming home!

As in all our other rooms the main aim here is fun and learning.

Preschool ECCE

Age from 3 years approx

Lakelands Childcare is all about learning through play, but in the Preschool and Montessori area we introduce a little more structure to the morning activities. The children will have mornings full of activities and exploration and afternoons of organised activities and free play. In Preschool and Montessori we combine preschool inspired curriculums alongside Montessori equipment where the children learn practical skills that will help them get on in the world around them. Our Preschool and Montessori curriculum is suitable for all children....taking them right up until they're ready for 'big' school.

The curriculum includes:

  • Spooning & Pouring Exercises
  • Shoe Tying Exercises
  • Numbers & Letter Activities
  • Pre Writing Exercises
  • Imaginative Play
  • Messy Play
  • Cooking
  • Art and Crafts
  • Water Play
  • Sand Play
  • Trips Out, Nature Walks etc.

Sleep Room

At naptime we provide a sleep room and follow an intensive sleep procedure. All babies sleep in cots and each have their own bedding, which is changed regularly. Children are checked every ten minutes, or more if needed.

In accordance with HSE regulations babies are only permitted to sleep in a cot in the crèche, which ensures safe, comfortable sleeping. Therefore it is advisable to discourage getting your child into a habit of sleeping in a buggy/pushchair on a regular basis before starting in crèche. In Lakelands Childcare we always put the needs of the children first. This ensures that all babies in our care are, 'happy in their nappies'!